Internet/Wifi Services
Aitchison College provides computers in all schools for use in studies, as an extension to the College library, and as a support to the curriculum. Users are responsible for the appropriate use of computers including the use of the Internet. Access is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in that privilege being withdrawn.
Our network connects all of the schools and offices. This makes sharing of information and communicating with all schools and offices possible. This network supports activities that have educational value for administration, instruction and learning by teachers and students. The Internet provides immediate access to information anywhere in the world. Students are expected to use all computer equipment, both hardware and software and network access to pursue intellectual activities, to seek resources, to access libraries and for other types of learning activities.
Please download the wifi/internet request form and send it to IT Helpdesk through your concerned school office. A detailed Computer Use Policy is available on the My Aitchison.