Metacognition October 23, 2017

On 23rd October, Mr. Omar Saeed conducted the meta cognition session which was based on Entrepreneurial spirit. Mr. Saeed spoke about his days at Aitchison and shared his experiences with the students in an interesting manner. He specifically focused on how the casual boys in his batch who were average students are now doing extremely well in their lives and how essential it is to be honest.

He shared his story in a fascinating way with examples from his work life and how he deals with students in college interviews. An important highlight of the session is the way students were placed in the role as entrepreneurs. The main take of this session is that ‘passion’ and ‘will to follow the dreams’ with commitment can change lives, making it more meaningful as well as successful. He elaborated that success does not come quickly; hard work and effort are the key components for becoming successful.

Students were well engaged and they thoroughly enjoyed the session.