Boys accepted into Aitchison College take part in a broad and challenging curriculum. While very good academic results are expected, so too is engagement with sports, clubs and activities. It is a condition of enrollment that boys are involved broadly and boldly with school life -in a very real sense they are risk takers. Central to this is the development of character, self-awareness and other non-scholastic qualities that unify these experiences, which provide the 'fuel' for honest reflection and an ability to appreciate the value and perspectives of others. What we share and do is anchored in positivism.

For well over a century, Aitchison has produced leaders of all kinds and focused on the building of character. Originally a school for the sons of nobility, in its modern form the College is representative of Pakistan but no less committed to its foundation principles encapsulated in the motto: Perseverance Commands Success.

Aitchison College may be defined as a blend in ritual and modern necessity. Its history speaks to each boy and commands respect. It inspires and delivers a strong message that each must play his part in a special, unfolding story. An Aitchison education is for life.