Aitchison College benefits from the generous support of Old Boys (and others) who believe in the advancement of education without financial barriers. If you would like to support the College by 'giving back' then here are several ways for you to do so through Bursaries. By contributing to our Bursary Fund, you are helping some of the best young prospects in the country realise their dream.

Donate to bursaries

Aitchison Annual Giving Program

This is a great way for individuals and year groups to 'give back' in manageable annual donations via a secure online payment. 1000 rupees and upwards multiplied by all Old Boys goes a long way. It also encourages our youngest graduates to become engaged with their alma mater. This helps us educate boys from all parts of Pakistan and who need financial assistance -fees, books, uniforms and sports clothing. Financial constraints should not become a hurdle in the completion of a boy's education at Aitchison College, as nor should remote boys from poor families be denied an opportunity to experience Aitchison boarding. Help a deserving boy change his life. 

Donate to Annual Giving

Other ways of Giving

"The Langlands' Fund" seeks donations to help boarders from remote areas, whether by helping with tuition fees, clothing or sports attire. The College does much to help in this regard, but many old boys with connections to Major Langlands are committed to extending small donations on a regular basis and especially after visiting either the Langlands' Room or College Archives, where there is a collection box. Cheques may be made out to: "Aitchison College Lahore"

Donate to Langlands' Trust

'Friends' of Aitchison College Lahore Inc" (FoAC) is a 501 3c registered trust entity set up in New York, USA by Old Aitchisonians of the Class of '94. The co-founders include: Usman Hamid Malik, Awais Karal & Mahmud Yar Hiraj and Board Members include Atif Mian, Omar Saeed and Yasser Toor. This is a tax exempt charity and lends itself to generous donations. Donations must be made through the trust are fully tax deductible expenses for US tax payers.

For any donation to be made to FoAC, please contact the Bursar directly (at [email protected]) or get in touch with FoAC at [email protected]

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College Masterplan

The Board of Governors approved an ambitious Master Plan in 2019: the largest since our foundation. The project has already produced massive change in the quality and preservation of our facilities, thanks to donations so far received in excess of 2.5 billion rupees. Major donors may be afforded naming rights (subject to conditions) and all donors receive plaques.

We are seeking donors for the following projects:

  • Food Hall in Senior School
  • Multi-Purpose Gymnasium beside swimming pools
  • Electronic starting blocks for event swimming pool
  • College Art Gallery

Completed Projects and Underway from Donations*:

  • 3 Senior boarding houses
  • 1 Prep Boarding House
  • Science Innovation Centre
  • Renovation of Senior Chemistry Labs
  • New Senior Quadrangle
  • College Library
  • Squash Complex
  • Administration Building
  • Basketball Complex
  • Rugby Pavilion
  • New Tennis Centre and Clubhouse
  • Riding Pavilion

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A bequest can provide support for strengthening the College into the future. To continue our legacy and to build the base for future achievements, we look to our alumni community for support. By naming Aitchison as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate, or of particular assets in your estate, you will be making a consequential contribution to the future of the College. A bequest left to Aitchison College can be either named or made anonymously. It can be made in a variety of ways to reflect a person’s particular wishes. Bequests in support of Aitchison College should be left ideally for use at the College’s own discretion, for these will help the College meet its most pressing needs. Bequests will not be applied to running costs, salaries or other operating expenses, but in support of specific areas of the College’s operation such as libraries, bursaries, building projects or other areas of specific interest.

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