Aitchison Staff Meet to Discuss Student and Staff Well-Being


Mr. Simon Murray led our PD Day and introduced staff to 'Positive Psychology in Education.' Many great schools across the world are employing this approach to learning and teaching programs. Aitchison is naturally the first school in Pakistan to investigate an holistic pastoral approach that sits very comfortably with our aims. Mr Murray addressed for two and half hours in a very stimulating way and fielded many questions from teachers. Mr Murray has also held meetings with staff outside this forum in a thorough 'get to know' the College. Mr. Murray is the former Headmaster of St Peter's College, Adelaide, Australia, a recipient of an Order of Australia for services to education, Fellow of the Australian College of Education, former Chair of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, and Chair of the Positive Education Society of Australia. 

Well-being is more than 'happiness'; it runs to the core of 'who we are when we are at our best': essentially character development and how we can relate even better as a community with clear ideas in mind as to how we recognise 'positiveness'and personal growth in the act of nurturing every boy's self-esteem. The Principal, Mr. Thomson, will be holding further meetings with staff and then parents in due course. The introduction of 'Positive Psychology' will be presented to the new Board of Governors this year. This was a thoughtful and beneficial day that will help the effectiveness of our teaching practice, which is first about 'the boy' and then the subject.