Athletics U/14 Trials for 8th Asian Children International Games-2024


We are proud to announce that Zunnurain Qaiyum of Pre-C1K (Godley House) was selected to represent Pakistan in 8th Children of Asia International Sports Game (organized by Athletics Federation of Pakistan) in 400 M U/14 Category as he stood 1st in the event. The boy showed great grit and determination as there were many Athletes who had come to compete from all over Pakistan.

The boy already in Aitchison College Athletics U/14 Team prolifically denounced many determined opponents, thereby, bringing worthy laurels to College & futuristically for the afore-said games.

The 8th Asian Children Games will be held from 25th June to 07th July, 2024 at Yakutsk in Russia.

We wish him all the best for the games.