Aitchison College, Lahore.
March 06, 2021

Principal Updates -Admissions

Admission tests are set and corrected by the College and go through a very thorough process of marking, re-checking and ranking. Our senior Mathematics faculty 'totals' papers. Please do not request 're-marks' or compare performance with outside establishments. Aitchison Admission tests are secure, private and specifically designed for our purposes only. We do not provide feedback or reports. Please do not ask. Be patient as offers may take a week or more to reach successful candidates. The College will inform parents when the process is complete via this website. In addition, all candidates will receive a letter either offering a place or advising otherwise. 

The availability of places remains open until all seats are filled. The College will reallocate places not taken up. This may also take additional time. Again, please do not contact the College requesting to be considered for vacant seats. 

Owing to pandemic restrictions there will be no interviews held this year. 

We wish all boys the very best. 


Michael Thomson M.A., Dip. Ed., M.A.C.E

Created on: 06-03-2021 09:57